Our 10 Most Popular Articles of 2014

Our 10 Most Popular Articles of 2014


It’s been a huge year at UX Mastery. We started our community forum and our series of Ask the UXperts sessions, published two eBooks and over 100 articles, from both our own team and from guest authors.

Here are the 10 articles that garnered the most interest from our readers, counted down David Letterman-style.

It’s been a huge year at UX Mastery.

We started our popular community forum and our series of Ask the UXperts sessions, published two more eBooks (Get Started in UX and A Practical Guide to Information Architecture), and published over 100 articles.

Here are the 10 articles that garnered the most interest from our readers, counted down in reverse, David Letterman-style.

All of us at UX Mastery thank you for your continued support and hope you have a fantastic end-of-2014 celebration! Here’s to a fabulous 2015. Enjoy!

10. Is There a Formula for Delight?

Ben Tollady and Ben Rowe, from Thirst Studios, gave us their take on the question: “Is there a formula for delight?”

A cake of delight

9. Course Review: User Basics

This course by Lis Hubert, an holistic introduction to the foundations of user experience, comes pretty close to a perfect 10.

UX Basics Lis

8. 7 Resources to get you Sketching like Da Vinci

In April and May we focussed on sketching, sketchoting and how these skills can make you a better UX Designer. Kim wrapped up this theme with a collection of resources to get you sketching like Da Vinci in no time.

A visual summary of The Doodle Revolution

7. Better User Research Through Surveys

We updated this popular article by Chris Gray with a whiteboard animation about how to build the kind of survey that will collect the most valuable information from our users.

RELATED:  5 Reasons You Should Sign Up to the UX Mastery Newsletter

Chris Gray Surveys image

6. 7 Signs This Person is Not Actually a UX Designer

One of our guest writers, Emil Lamprecht, created a list of 7 things you need to know—and that recruiters should be looking for—in a world of UX wannabes.


5. 10 Inspiring UX Portfolios

Hawk brought us 10 inspiring UX portfolios that we can learn from when building our own.

UX Portfolios

4. How to Create a Customer Journey Map

Megan Grocki brought us a whiteboard animation on how to create a Customer Journey Map, a visual interpretation from an individual’s perspective of their relationship with an organization, service, product or brand.


3. 20 Tips for Selling UX to Clients

We asked 20 UX professionals to share their tips on how to convince clients that a UX process is the best way to design (or redesign) a product or service. Here’s what they said …


2. How to Conduct a Content Audit

We updated Donna Spencer’s cracking article on conducting a content audit with this sketch video.

A UX Designer looks frustrated as she prepares to tackle a mass of documents

1. 10 Steps to a Perfect Portfolio

I talked us through how to create the perfect portfolio to present to a prospective employer.


What was your favourite article of 2014? Let us know in the comments.

Written by
Luke Chambers
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