We Wish you a Merry UXmas

Merry UXmas

We hope you’ve enjoyed this year’s edition of UXmas, the advent calendar for the UX community. Luke recaps the recent list of UX articles.

The UX Mastery team are taking a hard-earned break over the festive season. Happy holidays, and see you in 2015!

We hope you’ve enjoyed this year’s edition of UXmas, the digital advent calendar for user experience designers.

This year has showcased an exceptionally varied mix of articles and a ton of new faces. The teams at UX Mastery and Thirst Studios are very appreciative of all of this year’s authors.

Here’s a recap of days 13—24.


Angela Schmeidel Randall1. Mid UXmas Season Tipple—Mexican Hot Chocolate  by Angela Schmeidel Randall

Exhausted by all the stirling UXmas content already this year? Angela has the perfect panacea.

Natalie Eustace2. Daily Design Confusion by Natalie Eustace

We all love good design, but does being aware of bad design have a silver lining?

Hira Javed3. Designing for Ephemerality: The Rise of Self-Destructive Messaging by Hira Javed

How do you design for applications that encourage fleeting and disposable messaging?

4. 7 Things I Wish Everyone Knew About Interaction Design by Chris Noessel

If Chris could wave a holiday wand this year, he would implant these 7 ideas about interaction design into people’s heads.

Luke Tellefson5. The 5Ws and 1H of User Interviews by Luke Tellefson

Detectives have long understood the power of the 5Ws and 1Hs to get a complete story. How can UXers do the same?

Paddy Breslin6. Is the ‘User’ Always Right? by Paddy Breslin

We’ve all heard the Selfridge classic, “the customer is always right”, but does this apply to UX design?

Ketat Sulistyawati7. Stripping UX Back to the Bare Minimum by Ketut Sulistyawati

A company’s brand isn’t just the logo—it’s the sum of the entire experience. How does UX fit in to branding?

RELATED:  UX Community Roundup #5

Jodie Moule8. Gluten Free Mince Pies by Jodie Moule

Skip your UX Indigestion with this gluten-free Yule-ish recipe from the Cook app.

Christine Balatbat9. Dear UX Beginner by Christine Balatbat

We may design products, but we are also responsible for “designing” our own experience path.

Indi Young10. 3 Ways to Select the Perfect Method for your Research Goal by Indi Young

There are many different research methods that you can use for your goals. But how do you choose the right one?

Ben Rowe11. Designing For the Slow Web by Ben Rowe

Our obsession with the internet is getting out of hand. How can we as UXers slow it down and stop it from killing us?

12. The Elf that Came in From the Cold by Luke Chambers and Matthew Magain

In a deviation from the regular format story, Luke & Matt pay homage to film noir with a rambling detective story full of in-jokes and UX references. Are there actually parallels to UX? Does it matter? Enjoy the ride.

Did you miss days 1—13 of UXmas? Check them out here.

The UX Mastery team will be taking a hard-earned break over the festive period, so this blog will be quiet for a couple of weeks. We’ll resume our regular publication schedule in January. Happy holidays from all of us, and see you in 2015!

Written by
Luke Chambers
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