UX Sketchnotes: An eBook containing 50+ Sketches of Inspiring UX Talks

UX Sketchnotes: An eBook containing 50+ Sketches of Inspiring UX Talks

UX Sketchnotes: A Free eBook

It’s been a while since we launched our last ebook. However, we have some good news: 1) our latest ebook, UX Sketchnotes, is out now, and 2) it’s completely free for subscribers to our newsletter.

What are you waiting for?

It’s been a while since we launched our last ebook.

However, we have some good news: our latest ebook, UX Sketchnotes, is out now.

UX Sketchnotes is an illustrated collection of over 50 sketchnotes created while attending various UX and web-related conferences over the last few years.

Aarron WalterBrainmates Product Bash panel

​There are insights and tips in here from visionary thinkers like Donna Spencer, Jeff Gothelf, Dan Szuc, Steve Portigal, Dan Willis, Kevin Hoffman, Steve Baty, Aaron Walter, and others. Plus there are a handful of random, fun sketches in there too—this really is a rich, diverse collection of illustrations and collective wisdom that will both educate and inspire you.

Grab your copy now

Complete list of sketchnotes

ProBlogger Training Event

› Overcoming Obstacles & Road Blocks • Darren Rowse & Guests

Product Bash

› Is There a Place for Entrepreneurship in Product Management?

Web Directions South

› We Are the Makers of Things • Hannah Donovan
› Lanyrd: The Accidental Entrepreneurs • Natalie Downe & Simon Willison
› Interaction Design Bauhaus • Rahul Sen
› All the Small Things • Relly Annett-Baker
› Connected UX • Aarron Walter
› How the Internet of Things Changes How We Design • Alex Deschamps-Sonsino
› Stiff and Static Sucks • Pasquale d’Silva
› People, Not Users • Rachel Binx
› Creating Good Content for an Imperfect Web • Relly Annett-Baker
› Context, Multi-Device, and the Future of TV Browsers • Rod Farmer
› Nerd, Know Thyself • Heather Gold

Web Directions Code

› What Everyone Should Know about REST • Michael Mahemoff

UX Indonesia

› Design for Innovation • Turi McKinley
› Designing a Healthier & Smarter Life • Dan Szuc & Josephine Wong

Hargraves Institute Innovation Summit

› Innovation: A Global Perspective • Jo Gray and guests
› Innovation: The Future Inspired by Our Past • Phil Kwok
› Innovation in Action • Natalie Pavuk
› Living the Innovation Program at AMP • Munib Karavdic
› How a Million-Dollar Accounting Firm Invested in Design Thinking • Maureen Thurston
› The Recipe for Innovation Success at Baxter ANZ • Marise Hannaford

RELATED:  Sketchnotes From Swipe Conference 2012

Leaders In Software and Art

› Lightning Talks: Alessandro Ludovico, Celement Valla, Blake Carrington & Claire Bardainne
› Lightning Talks: Elisa Giardina Papa, Gabriella Levine, Jake Lee-High & Lauren McCarthy
› Lightning Talks: Josh Davis, R. Luke Dubois, Miral Kotb & Shane Hope
› Lightning Talks: Sophia Brueckner, Steve Di Paola, Toni Dove & Yucef Merhi

UX Australia

› Anton Sher, Rod Farmer, Dan Naumann, Sally Bieleny, Dan Szuc & Joe Sokohl
› Microinteractions • Dan Saffer
› Designing Successful Experiences for Bald Apes • Dan Willis
› Getting UX Done • Ian Fenn
› Improv Talks • Donna Spencer, Dan Szuc & Steve Baty
› Better Product Definition with Lean UX & Design Thinking • Jeff Gothelf
› Designing Meetings to Work for Design • Kevin Hoffman
› How to Run an Effective Cultural Probe • Matt Morphett & Rob McLellan
› From Faith-Based to Evidence-Based Design • Miles Rochford
› Our Billion-Dollar Baby: From Greed to Good • Chris Paton
› Design at Scale • Greg Petroff
› The Neuroanthropology Of “Us” • Stephen Cox
› Can You Wireframe Delightful? • Ben Tollady & Ben Rowe
› The Cadence of Great Experiences • Michelle Berryman
› Epic Fail: Takeaways from the War Stories Project • Steve Portigal
› Change Aversion • Hendrik Müller
› Describing the Elephant • Eric Reiss
› Finding Simple • Jason Bayly
› Graphic Facilitation: See What I Mean? • Luke Chambers
› Lightning talks: Nova Franklin, Kimberley Crofts & Jay Rogers
› Attributes & Aesthetics of Experience • Xin Xiangyang

Random Sketches & Illustrations

› Hospital-bed Sketch
› One of Those Days
› Grossly Informative

Written by
Matthew Magain
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  • I have signed up to the newsletter to get your so called” free ebook” listed here with 11 different email addresses that I actively use and have not so much as received a confirmation. I consider collecting personal information of people under false pretenses more then suspious.

    • Hi John, sorry to hear that you haven’t received the free ebook.

      ‘False pretences’ is a bit harsh, and is hurtful to read given Matt, Hawk and I all work very hard to avoid that kind of thing. I can assure you the ebook does exist and that a link is emailed automatically to the subscribed email address by our email system straight away.

      I’ve just checked your details in the subscriber list and can see you joined back in January (a month before the book was published in February). I think the problem is that subscribing again doesn’t automatically send you the download link. However, to avoid exactly this we sent an email out to all existing subscribers a week before the ebook was available on the website, so if you look for an email with the subject “UX Sketchnotes: a free ebook featuring Jeff Gothelf, Steve Portigal, and others” sent on February 25, I think you’ll find you were already given the download link. I can see in the logs it was definitely sent to your email address.

      I’m so sorry this has turned out to be confusing, and I hope your strong words are just due to frustration at the time. I’ve sent you another copy of the email. If you still don’t receive it, please let me know and I’ll get your Sketchnotes ebook to you another way.

  • Dear Mr/Mrs:
    I am very interested in the book “UX Sketchnotes: An eBook containing 50+ Sketches of Inspiring UX Talks” and eager to get the ebook through the email. Could you please send me the ebook? I will be very appreciated to reseive you replay.

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