Last week Luke and I made the pilgrimage to the UX Australia conference that we make every year, for several days of learning, inspiration and socialising with friends, old and new.
This year’s conference was held in Brisbane. Luke and I had the honour of teaching our Introduction to User Experience full-day workshop to 47 eager attendees; we also had the good fortune of attending the very talented (and very tall) Dave Gray‘s excellent Gamestorming workshop.
As is often the tradition, I also sketched a handful of the sessions that I attended, which I’ve included below.

If you weren’t able to attend the conference, fear not: UX Australia Redux is coming to Sydney and Melbourne in November. It’s a low-cost, one-day event that will repeat some of the presentations from the main conference.
In addition, the conferences organisers always record every presentation, and make the audio available as a podcast (with slides). It takes a while to coordinate this, but there are 5 years of previous recordings online that you can work your way through while you’re waiting!