7 Resources to Get You Sketching Like Da Vinci

7 Resources to Get You Sketching Like Da Vinci

A visual summary of The Doodle Revolution

This past month, we’ve been pretty focussed on sketching, sketchoting and how these skills can make you a better UX Designer.

Kim wraps up this theme with a collection of resources to get you sketching like Da Vinci in no time.

Over the past couple of months, we’ve largely focussed on sketching, sketchnoting, and how developing these skills can make you a better UX Designer.

We took you from tips to enhance your sketchnoting skills, to a fantastic Ask the UXperts session with Mike Rohde, right through to a piece on Da Vinci’s potential UX prowess.

That’s a lot of ground to cover. So, in case you missed something, here’s a summary of all of the sketching and sketchnoting-related resources we’ve published:

  1. 5 Tips to Take Your Sketchnoting to the Next Level Rebecca Jackson gave us some advice on how to get the most out of your sketchnotes.
  2. Review—The Sketchnote Handbook. Sarah admits to being a bit smitten with Mike Rohde, before launching into a review of his book.
  3. Leonardo Da Vinci would have made an Amazing UX Designer. Matt muses on how Da Vinci was not only a masterful artist and technologist, but that he really knew how to sell himself—a perfect suite of skills for the modern-day UXer.
  4. Ask The UXperts—Sketchnoting with Mike Rohde. We were lucky enough to get Mike Rohde on board to answer all your questions on sketchnoting, in this fabulous one hour Q&A session. This is the transcript of that session.
  5. Review—The Doodle Revolution. Matt reviews Sunni Brown’s book on sketching (and frankly, waxes lyrical about it).
  6. Why Sketchnoting makes you a Better Designer. OK, so this article is nearly a year old. But it’s still relevant today!
  7. Sketchnoting 101: How to Create Awesome Visual Notes. Matt takes us through an introduction to sketchnoting with some tips to make it all easier!
RELATED:  5 Reasons You Should Sign Up to the UX Mastery Newsletter
Matt’s visual summary of Sunni Brown’s latest sketching book, The Doodle Revolution.

What are your favourite resources for improving your sketching skills? Tell us in the comments!

Written by
Luke Chambers
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