UXmas 2013 Is Coming To Town

UXmas 2013 Is Coming To Town


UXmas is back for 2013 with a joyous new design and a stocking full of articles, illustrations, videos and special offers,

Visit uxmas.com each day throughout December to unwrap a new gift to the UX community from UX Mastery and our friends at Thirst Studios.

UXmas is back!

uxmas.com, the digital advent calendar for UXers that we created last year with the team from Thirst Studios last year is on again for 2013—bigger and better than ever.

Every day throughout December, we’re unwrapping a new gift for the UX community. And just like a real advent calendar, you never know what you’re going to get!

Last year we served up video presentations from Jared Spool, Jeff Sauro and the U1 group; there were book excerpts from SitePoint and Rosenfeld Media under the tree; and a ton of thought-provoking articles from some of the leading minds in the industry—folks like Donna Spencer, Stephen Anderson, and Nick Finck. This year will include a bunch of newer faces with fresh ideas and insights, with a brand spanking new design to boot.

UXmas 2013

One of the joys of running the show is that we get to liaise with the leaders and luminaries that we’ve looked up to for years. And once again, we’re delighted that so many authors have generously donated their time to make UXmas 2.0 something special this year.

Without giving anything away, we’re very excited about some of the new faces that have placed gifts for you under the UXmas tree this year. There are tutorials, big-picture ideas, comics, and more on your way.

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Put Santa on your Radar

This year, you have a few options for how to keep up with the UXmas festivities.

  1. Sign up.

    Last year we had a few requests from folks who wanted to be notified of new articles by email. This year, you can do just that! Sign up to the UXmas email list, and receive a new article in your inbox every day throughout December.

  2. Follow @merryuxmas.

    You’re following the UXmas team on Twitter already, right? Right?

  3. Subscribe via RSS.

    Who says RSS is dead? Every new article will appear in the UXmas RSS feed, so you can be notified when there’s a new present ready to be unwrapped.

  4. Visit uxmas.com. Every day.

    Of course, if you don’t want no stinkin’ notifications, and enjoy the thrill of constantly hitting “Refresh” on your web browser multiple times once 8.00am (Australian EST) rolls around, just to watch the next article appear, then be our guest.

We hope you enjoy UXmas 2013! Be sure to reach out to each of the authors who have donated their time to make it possible.

Written by
Matthew Magain
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