Spreading the UXmas Cheer


Welcome back to UXmas for another year! In case you haven’t joined in the UXmas fun yet, we’re back with your favourite UX-themed digital advent calendar. Missed the start of UXmas? Catch up on every tasty UXmas treat from our first 10 days. 


Welcome back to UXmas for another year! In case you haven’t joined in the UXmas fun yet, here’s an update on your favourite UX-themed digital advent calendar.

But first, what’s UXmas all about?

Well, each year (since 2012), the teams from Thirst Studios and UX Mastery collaborate to create a Christmas-themed website called UXmas: a digital advent calendar where each day we open a door to reveal an insightful little UX nugget. We see it as our way of giving back to the UX community.

Once again, we’ve curated a captivating lineup of UX content. You can expect articles, videos, sketches… we’ve left it up to our amazing authors to get creative. Our contributors are an inspiring mix of our UX heroes and voices from the UX Mastery community.

Missed the start of UXmas? Catch up on every tasty UXmas treat from our first 10 days.

1 December: The Heartwarming Story of Nelly & Neil

By Paul Boag

In this video, Paul shares a heartwarming story about lonely Nelly, the power of understanding, and how good UX extends beyond the edge of the screen.

2 December: Overcoming That Dreaded Malady: User Research Fatigue

By Jim Ross

Are you at risk of developing user research fatigue? Whether you have a predisposition or your case is caused by environmental factors, learn the signs and symptoms with this humorous and authoritative guide by Jim.

3 December: King Content Joins the UX Team

By Chris Offutt

In this modern-day illuminated manuscript, King Content loses a crown but gains a UX team. All in the name of user-friendly products.

4 December: Spectrum-coloured Glasses: The UXmas (W)Rap

By Ashlea McKay

What’s it like to experience the holidays as an autistic UXer? Get an insight into how Ashlea has completely changed the way she celebrates Christmas and an insight into life on the spectrum. Even better, this one’s in rap form.

5 December: How I Actually Spend My Time As a UX Consultant

By Amanda Stockwell

Expectations and reality don’t always match, but if you’re considering the envious jump from UX employee to UX freelancer then today’s UXmas treat is for you: Amanda has some helpful advice about how to plan your time…

RELATED:  Another Great UX Community Roundup #4

6 December: User Research is a Team Sport

By Ruth Ellison

When faced with complex challenges, it can be difficult to get everyone on the same page. In this short piece, Ruth shares how one simple change to her team’s approach helped crack a difficult project and create a successful outcome for everyone.

7 December: Don’t Just Satisfy Your Users, Love Them

By Andy Vitale

Designers often talk about empathising with users, but there are times when that doesn’t quite articulate the full value of the relationship. In this short reflection, Andy explains why the magic really happens when you show your users some love, and how you might embrace this while remaining grounded with business goals.

8 December: Designing for Your Inner Kirk and Spock

By Trey Roady

Attention is a finite resource, and focus takes a lot of willpower. In today’s piece, Trey explains a simple concept about the competing, yet cooperative, ‘automated’ and ‘reflective’ systems in our minds; systems he likes to think of as Kirk and Spock.

9 December: How to Sharpen Your Design Skills with Watercolour Sketching

By Mary Shaw

Need to tune in, turn off, drop out, drop in, switch off, switch on after a busy 2017? This one’s for you: Mary introduces us to a powerful, out-of-the-box, off-screen way to improve design skills… while relaxing. All it takes is a simple watercolour kit and some paper.

10 December: When Categorisation Goes Wrong

By David Skødt

Design conferences are great places to meet people and learn things, but at his most recent convention, the universe gently reminded David that the way his brain categorises things is important. In this short and good-humoured audio piece, David shares the story about how his distracted brain let him down.

What’s up next? Only one way to find out! Subscribe at uxmas.com and follow along on Twitter: @merryuxmas.

And merry UXmas everyone!

Written by
Luke Chambers
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