On The Twelfth Day Of UXmas …

On The Twelfth Day Of UXmas …

UXmas 2013

Tis the season to be jolly! This year’s UXmas digital advent calendar is packed full of UX goodies and thought-provoking merriment.

Kimberley recaps the first 12 days of UXmas.

Hopefully you are all enjoying UXmas, the digital advent calendar for the UX community, brought to you by the teams at UX Mastery and Thirst Studios.

If you missed anything, here’s a recap of the first 12 Days of UXmas. Ho ho ho!

Lis Hubert1. My 2013 UXmas Wishlist by Lis Hubert

Lis describes her wishlist for the UX field in the coming year. What’s on your list?

Troy Parke2. Beyond UX: Finding Your Path by Troy Parke

There are many roads to User Experience. Let’s look at some of the ways that may help you find yours.

Kim Chatterjee3. Good Design Starts with Empathy by Kim Chatterjee

Kim examines the notion that by focussing on empathy we can make our designs more accessible.

100px Coburn4. Owning Your Place in the Machine by Coburn Hawk

Coburn shows us how to get enough space (psychological and physical) to create great things and be truly innovative.

100px David5. The Lazy IA’s Guide to Organising Content by David Travis

How you can be the most creative person in the room by learning some content organisation techniques.

100px U16. UX vs. CX by U1 Group

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What is the difference between UX and CX? The U1 group’s infographic has it wrapped up for us.

100px Alison7. How to Sell your Skills as a UXer, Alison Lawrence

Many employers are lost in the woods when hiring UXers. Alison talks about ways to sell your skills as a UXer to any employer.

100px Vicky8. The Naughty and Nice of UX Conferences by Vicky Teinaki

Vicky Teinaki is coming to town to talk about the sweet and savoury of UX Conferences.

Jeff Sauro9. A History of Usability by Jeff Sauro

Jeff’s infographic is a beautifully designed snapshot of the last 100 years of usability.

Indi Young10. The Squabble Over Personas by Indi Young

Don’t fight over your existing personas. Indi suggests that segmenting may be the perfect present.

Amir Ansari11. I’m in, How Do I Get Out? by Amir Ansari

Amir provides insight into the logout feature and some practical advice to make your logout function intuitive.

Luke Chambers12. UX Tools of the Trade by me (Luke Chambers)

In this excerpt from UX Mastery’s “Everyday UX”, we unwrap three designers’ favourite tools.

What’s your favourite UXmas treat? Let us know in the comments.

Written by
Luke Chambers
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