Winners of our Product Management competition

Winners of our Product Management competition


Announcing the very lucky winner our competition with Leading The Product! The winner gets a free ticket to this inspirational event for product people in the Southern Hemisphere, which includes great talks and presentations, plus networking events, Q&A sessions, lunch and snacks and the after party—woohoo!

We’re excited to announce the lucky winner of our Leading The Product competition! The winner gets a free ticket to this inspirational event for product people in the Southern Hemisphere, which includes great talks and presentations, plus networking events, Q&A sessions, lunch and snacks and the after party—woohoo! (total value $500+)

We asked: “What’s one thing you wish you could get Product Managers to understand?” and got some fantastic responses, but we could pick only one.

Drumroll please—the winner is…




Christina Porter – congratulations!

In her winning entry, Christina explained why it’s important to always keep improving, and not just react to customer complaints. We couldn’t agree more – it’s this attitude that leads to truly exceptional products.

Christina’s entry:

“Just because users are not complaining, does not mean we cannot make things better for them! And it most certainly does not mean that the product cannot be improved.

By taking that extra step and making the experience enjoyable, users are much more likely to return to the product, to recommend the product, and in the long term, your company will be more likely to succeed in selling the product. But if you work on the theory that, “if it’s not good enough then people will complain”, then you are likely setting yourself up for failure (unless by pure luck, you somehow manage to design an absolutely perfect product on your first attempt – but I would be surprised about that!).”

Enjoy the conference, Christina!

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Honourable mentions go to Kate Needham, Sunil Dogra and Ashleigh – we’ve included their entries below. We love your work, too!

Kate Needham: “UX is everyone’s responsibility. When everyone keeps the user at the centre of everything they do, everyone wins. A Product Manager’s vision + a UX Designer’s insights = magic.”

Sunil Dogra: “That they are not the ‘customer’ and tailoring the product according to their own perceptions, experiences and biases without taking customer feedback or getting customer insights leads to a product that doesn’t connect with the real customer.”

Ashleigh: “The importance of defining the actual problem before deciding what the solution is.”

Thanks to everyone who entered!

It’s not too late to book your spot at Leading the Product 2016, in Melbourne on 20 October and Sydney on 25 October. For all the details and the full speaker lineup, visit and follow @ltp_aus for updates.

Written by
Luke Chambers
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