5 Reasons You Should Sign Up to the UX Mastery Newsletter

5 Reasons You Should Sign Up to the UX Mastery Newsletter


Prefer to stay on top of everything UX-related via email?

You can now keep up to date with UX Mastery tips, tools and news via the UX Mastery email newsletter. Matt lists 5 reasons why you should sign up now.

Yesterday we sent out issue #1 of the UX Mastery newsletter. If you haven’t signed up yet, I’d encourage you to do so—enter your name and email address in the sidebar, and we’ll take care of the rest.

So why should you go sign up to another email newsletter? Well, I’m glad you asked! Here are 5 reasons we think you’ll love this newsletter:

  1. Interesting Links

    Every issue will contain a collection of useful UX-related links that we’ve stumbled upon recently (that aren’t articles from uxmastery.com!). This curated list of links is bound to inform and inspire beginners and experienced designers alike.

  2. UX Quick Tip

    Every newsletter will include what we’re calling a UX Quick Tip. This is a short nugget of wisdom that will help you be a better user experience designer. As an added bonus, this tip will include an original illustration.

  3. Best of UX Mastery

    We know. You’re busy. We get it—you’d love to visit uxmastery.com every day to check in on what’s new, but life gets in the way. It’s OK—just sign up to the email newsletter instead. Every issue we’ll curate a selection of the most popular articles from the website, to keep you in the loop.

  4. First to know

    Subscribers to the UX Mastery newsletter will be the first to learn about new developments at UX Mastery—we have plans to create a podcast one day, and may dabble in screencasts and other tutorials as well. If this is something you might be interested in, you know what to do!

  5. The inside scoop

    In addition to all that whizz-bang new media stuff I mentioned in the above point, there’s actually even more stuff in the works here at UX Mastery. We’ve been a little coy, but we do have a fairly ambitious project happening behind the scenes. We can’t say too much more as it’s very early days, but we’re really excited about it and believe that it’s something many of our readers will absolutely love. Watch this space, erm, I mean the newsletter.

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I suppose I could have included a sixth point about the fact that we take your privacy very seriously and will never sell your email address to anyone, ever. Period. But I feel like that’s a given, so ’nuff said.

That’s it! Have I convinced you that the UX Mastery newsletter is something you can’t live without? Go sign up now. Or if you already signed up and received a copy, let us know what you thought of the first issue in the comments below.

Written by
Matthew Magain
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