Take the 2018 Readers Survey

Take the 2018 Readers Survey


UX Mastery is a broad community of people and thrives on honest feedback and great ideas. Share your thoughts about how we can help you achieve your UX goals in the coming year.

Note from the editor: The 2018 Readers Survey is now closed. Thanks to everyone who gave us their feedback! Keep your eyes peeled for an announcement about the winners of the prize pack.

Forum members, Slack users, course participants, email subscribers and store customers; UX Mastery is a broad community of people.

It thrives on honest feedback and great ideas, and we are keen to know you and how we can help you achieve your UX goals in the coming year.

Please help us to help you with this quick, 10 minute survey:

Or copy and paste the link: https://uxmastery.typeform.com/to/rli9HE

Survey closes 5pm November 16, 2018 UTC.

Some great UX prizes are up for grabs too

Answers to our bonus survey question also put you in the running for some this fantastic prize pack:

  • A $50 Amazon gift voucher
  • A complete bundle of UX Mastery books
  • A deck of the highly coveted UX Mastery ‘UX Technique Trading Cards’
RELATED:  Community Roundup #3

That’s an awful lot of advice, learning and UX tools up for grabs, plus you get to have your say in how the UX Mastery community should grow.

We have runner up prize packs too!

Cheers, and don’t be shy!

Survey and prize details:

  • Survey closes 5pm November 16, 2018 UTC.
  • The survey is for research purposes only. Your privacy is respected and no-one will try and sell you anything.
  • Prize winners will have completed every survey question, submitted in time, and have the most impressive answers to the bonus question as judged by the UX Mastery team.
  • Findings will be aggregated and generalised highlights shared on the UX Mastery blog.
  • Individual responses will remain confidential. Winning responses may be shared, with permission.
  • No information will be sold to third parties.
  • If you have any questions please email support@uxmastery.com
Written by
Luke Chambers
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