For 24 Hours, Get Yourself Any UX Mastery eBook for 5 Bucks

For 24 Hours, Get Yourself Any UX Mastery eBook for 5 Bucks


If you’ve had your eye on one of our insightful, practical and easy-to-apply ebooks, but have been sitting on the fence about buying, now’s the perfect time to take advantage of this once-off special deal and complete your set.

Spring weather has sprung (at last! Hurrah!) here in Melbourne, and after a confusingly long winter we’re celebrating the blossoms with a 24-hour ebook sale…

For the next 24 hours, we’ve reduced the price of the entire library of UX Mastery ebooks to just $5.

After all, there are few things better than enjoying some sunshine with a great book.

If you’ve had your eye on one of our insightful, practical and easy-to-apply titles, but have been sitting on the fence about buying, now’s the time to take advantage of this once-off special deal.

All over, red rover: Our ebook sale has now finished, but you should sign up to our newsletter to be alerted next time!


Choose from our five books:

Complete your set of UX Mastery ebooks

Think First – A no-nonsense approach to creating successful products, powerful user experiences + very happy customers.

RELATED:  We Wish you a Merry UXmas

Everyday UX – 10 successful UX designers share their tales, tools, and tips for success.

Get Started in UX – The complete guide to launching a career in user experience design.

A Practical Guide to Information Architecture – Simple steps to tackle your own IA projects, large or small.

Bonus! Grab a copy of our UX Sketchnotes ebook, not usually available for sale. A collection of over 50 sketchnotes covering UX talks from around the world.

Get in quick, though, as this deal only lasts 24 hours. After that, all ebooks will revert to their original price. If you’ve been thinking about adding one of our titles to your library, grab a sunshiny bargain now.


Springtime reading with UX Mastery

Written by
Luke Chambers
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