Ask the UXperts: The best way to predict the future is to create it — Why responsibility for education in the design industry belongs to all of us

Ask the UXperts: The best way to predict the future is to create it — Why responsibility for education in the design industry belongs to all of us

UX Education
Image: Robin Cave. Copyright: Ux Mastery.

Ask the UXperts is back! This time Hawk will host a live panel event with two guests that are passionate about changing UX education.

Apologies to anyone that attempted to join us for this session and couldn’t! A YouTube bug meant that we were unable to go ahead so we have rescheduled this session for 6pm Tuesday 4 June PDT.

If we believe design school graduates must enter industry with the best possible preparation, then we as the incumbent industry practitioners have an obligation to help them.

This is an essential priority because of the rapidly evolving nature of the design industry and the careers that design students will inherit and drive forward.

The seeds of their careers are nurtured in certain directions during high school, but as an industry, we have little control over the quality of people influencing this. What we can control however, is the quality of design-based information available and the experiences our future designers have access to as they discover their interests and aptitudes.

We’re going to unpack these ideas with Simon and Marissa in our upcoming live panel discussion.

The Details

Meet Simon Pemberton

Simon Pemberton

Simon’s combined experience in the successful creation, development and implementation of brand identities and cultures and his experience as the Head of School at four leading design schools brings together a unique blend of creative and management skills within a successful educational environment.

He has over 30 years experience in both the design and advertising industries Simon and has won Gold and Silver awards both here and in the UK.

Simon recently published “On The Shoulders Of Giants” – a book and video documentary featuring interviews with 13 of Australia’s leading designers.

RELATED:  Transcript: Ask the UXperts — Entrepreneurship & Innovation with Steve Baty

Meet Marissa Mills

Marissa Mills

Marissa is a designer driven by human relationships, curiosity and the desire to solve problems. With an outgoing personality, Marissa thrives on the connections that are created with individuals on a deeper level and believes that the best aspect of a designer’s role has always been the ability we have to create solutions that are meaningful as well as functional.

As part of the Grenadi and Tractor teams for many years, Marissa worked in collaboration with extraordinary people to create educational programs that help students learn and develop through discovery, challenge and realising their own potential.

Marissa’s passion for seeing people connect is evident at Industryfish in the way they are striving to bring people together for collaboration and shared learning from across the design sector.

Some Questions to Inspire You

  1. What is the current problem with how people learn design? What are the causes?
  2. How does this affect people designing products or using a human-centred approach?
  3. What is the potential we should be growing in design students? What is the best design graduate capable of?

How will the session work?

We will be live streaming the session on our YouTube channel. If you’d like to ask questions of the panel during the session, use the chat feature there. If you can’t make the live session but have questions, we’d love to collect them ahead of time and ask the panel on your behalf. You can ask them in the comments below. We’ll publish the responses (along with the full transcript) in the days following the session.

Written by
Luke Chambers
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