Transcript: “I teach UXers how to build a persuasive portfolio : Ask Me Anything.”

Transcript: “I teach UXers how to build a persuasive portfolio : Ask Me Anything.”

Louise Campbell

Building a persuasive portfolio is high on the priority list of a lot of our community members, and the audience at today’s AMA session with Louise Campbell was testament to that.

We had a record number of attendees! If you missed the session, never fear – here is the transcript.

Building a persuasive portfolio is high on the priority list of a lot of our community members, and the audience at today’s AMA session with Louise Campbell was testament to that.

We had a record number of attendees, and although Louise typed faster than I can think, we still didn’t get through all the questions.

If you don’t have a portfolio (or you’re not happy with the one you do have) then you need to read this transcript. It is gold.

Also, don’t miss Louise’s offer to get your copy of the pitch and contract outline that scored Louise her first $12K client.

If you didn’t make it because you didn’t know about it, make sure you join our community to get updates of upcoming sessions. If you have follow up questions for Louise, you can ask them here.

If you’re interested in seeing what we discussed, or you want to revisit your own questions, here is a full transcript of the chat.


2016-09-22 18:00
OK guys, let’s get this show on the road

2016-09-22 18:00

2016-09-22 18:01
First up, a warning. It’s only 6am here and I’m over-caffienated

2016-09-22 18:01

2016-09-22 18:01
@dave I don’t think I’m quite sure what role I am aiming for I enjoy User Interface but I would like to do more UX work. its a tough call. I like it all

2016-09-22 18:01
@hawk that means you’ll be typing faster. :slightly_smiling_face:

2016-09-22 18:01
has joined #ask-louise-campbell

2016-09-22 18:01
I’m under caffienated so maybe it’ll balance out lol

2016-09-22 18:01
Second, this looks like a VERY popular session, so go easy on us!

2016-09-22 18:02
I’ll start by introducing @lou and saying a huge thanks to her for her time today.

2016-09-22 18:02
I’ll introduce here, she’ll introduce the session, and we’ll open the floor to questions

2016-09-22 18:02
Hi everyone! I’m so excited to be here :slightly_smiling_face:

2016-09-22 18:02
I’ll queue your questions for Louise in a back channel, and she’ll answer them in order

2016-09-22 18:03
We don’t have time in this session for portfolio reviews, so if you want your portfolio looked at, please post in this topic on the community

2016-09-22 18:03
How can I help you create a persuasive portfolio?

2016-09-22 18:03
@tyler: ah ok. Just FYI I wouldn’t download info if I can’t see it on the site. I know other recruiting manager won’t do that or have the time to do it. I would said select a couple of what you considered you best work and focus on that. And just put a section that more samples are available upon request. We do that a lot if we are interested on a candidate. Good luck.

2016-09-22 18:03
has joined #ask-louise-campbell

2016-09-22 18:03
@hawk A general portfolio structure question: Is it better to show deliverables (e.g. designs, content inventories, etc) or process (e.g. here is what I/we did to get to where we ended up)?

2016-09-22 18:03
I suspect we won’t get through all the qs today either, so we can continue the conversation there too

2016-09-22 18:04
So Louise is a Lead UX Design consultant for giant eCommerce companies. She started out at 19 as a junior print designer for Littlewoods Home Shopping Group. Over the last 15 years has worked her way up to consulting for luxury e-commerce companies including,, The Body Shop,, and travel giant

2016-09-22 18:04
She is also a career transition coach for ambitious graphic designers who want to make it big in UXD. She teaches a free weekly mini-class to show you ‘How to Create a Persuasive Portfolio’ at

2016-09-22 18:04
And we’re lucky to have her time

2016-09-22 18:04
Over to you @lou

2016-09-22 18:04
Thanks @hawk been a crazy long day here :slightly_smiling_face: I need more cafffinnneeee

2016-09-22 18:05
@desertcoder I love this question

2016-09-22 18:05
“I’m working as a Business Analyst in UX right now. It seems all staff have a portfolio to share, except me. While I’ve tinkered around with wireframes in Axure, I’m wondering if screen captures of my work would count towards “portfolio” material.”

2016-09-22 18:05
has joined #ask-louise-campbell

2016-09-22 18:05
@israel very interesting! Last year when I was applying I only had 4 projects and I thought I had a severe lack of work in my portfolio so I added more I guess that wasn’t the best strategy

2016-09-22 18:06
So you can create user flow in Axure that you can host on their softwear that is password protected you can use this to show potential clients what you worked on and what parts you were responsible for adding value to… does that help?

2016-09-22 18:06
@lou Question: For someone switching from a related career (me: front-end developer). How many UX projects should you have in your portfolio? How much of the UX process should you show?

2016-09-22 18:07
@ux_dude I’m in the same boat. :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed: former front-end dev here.

2016-09-22 18:07
Yes, thank you. When you say “user flow” do you mean showing the process or do you mean actual workflow?

2016-09-22 18:08
I’m not sure where to start to improve my portfolio I know I need more projects and experience and it reflects that.

2016-09-22 18:08
@nwhysel it all depends on how valuable the work is to your future employer… will it add value to their work…

2016-09-22 18:08
@ux_dude current front-end wanting to switch to UX

2016-09-22 18:08
any advice for how to present a portfolio when someone asks to see your “thought process” and not just artifacts?

2016-09-22 18:08
has joined #ask-louise-campbell

2016-09-22 18:09
@nwhysel your portfolio need to be a good content fit for your potential employer.

2016-09-22 18:09
@jeanna excellent question!

2016-09-22 18:09
@lou how to even get started with your portfolio when you’re switching careers?

2016-09-22 18:09
@lou How do I sell myself , I dont have much work to put in my portfolio and I am transitioning from Social Work. I have applied for Junior level positions but have not received any positive responses. Most of these jobs want years of experience.

2016-09-22 18:10
@lou Does that mean different portfolio for different prospective employer? I sometimes do create a special link on my website but people just coming to the site are going to see a lot more: blog, events/presentations, past projects, slideshare, resume, etc.

2016-09-22 18:10
@jeanna how about adding photos of your journey mapping process or story mapping process to show your “thought process”?

2016-09-22 18:10
@dave generalist is good if that’s what you are interviewing for. You need to align your portfolio with the job you are going for. Focus. Take out stuff that’s not 100% focused on the clients needs. I hope that helps!

2016-09-22 18:10
@lou Luxury UX – what it is?

2016-09-22 18:11
@tyler yes at least we don’t mind if you only have a couple projects since we are looking specifically for a UX designer we are looking at those skills. I guess you’ll need to decide which one you would like to purse since you have a variety. Are you looking to be in UX UI only? Then I’ll concentrate on those pieces only.

2016-09-22 18:12
@dave pinned a message to this channel.

2016-09-22 18:13
DO you have many QA roles switching to UX?

2016-09-22 18:13
@sonia2016 I never took expensive courses I learned everything to do with UX in the work place. Break into UX design by focusing on one area to start off with – say Research, and then look for research roles, perhaps job shadow a colleague, do everything you can to get experience in that one area you can then add value to employers in that area! Focus is the key…

2016-09-22 18:13
@israel yes specifically UI / UX – ugh but I have such good branding strategy as well.. meh maybe I’ll just make two portfolio websites haha

2016-09-22 18:14
@tyler: yeah that may be a good idea specially if marketing is an area you’re interested.

2016-09-22 18:14
@gregor pinned a message to this channel.

2016-09-22 18:15
@swishie find an area of UX that you LOVE it’s a long career you need to love it :slightly_smiling_face: Never be generic if you can help it. EG. Interaction design is a fascinating career if you specialise you can also command higher salaries :slightly_smiling_face:

2016-09-22 18:16
@lou would you have better chances of getting work if your a specialist? or a generalist?

2016-09-22 18:16
@anne-dougherty pinned a message to this channel.

2016-09-22 18:17
thank you @lou

2016-09-22 18:17
@swishie Behance is Ok as long as you include annotations on your design about how the design was informed, what research did you do, who was it for? how does the interaction actually work… included detail it’s all about the details. That will make you stand as an ideal candidate inderstandingthe process involved in UCD.

2016-09-22 18:17
@israel “as as UX looking to hire other UX. Designers whenever we get portfolios for evaluation we look at getting insights of your UX process as quick as possible since we don’t have a lot of time to search for that info. If I don’t see that I’ll move to the next one. I click on your pieces but didn’t see any info that would give me insights to your process. Maybe I missed it… which that should give you some UX info.”

2016-09-22 18:18
@lou – can we se your portfolio and case studies? Do you have a link?

2016-09-22 18:19
I have just jumped into UX in the last year and have been going back through my older branding and illustration work to document my process. i’m not a front end programmer by any means and have been using Behance to showcase my work, but It doesn’t quite shine. Are there any tips you can give on where to start to learn HTML/CSS as it pertains to creating a portfolio? I plan on designing it from the ground up but I’m lost when it comes to coding my designs after they are finished. check out and let me know what you think.

2016-09-22 18:19
@israel the clients I work with have confidentiality agreements in place. I password protect my work for privacy reasons. Saying that – if the project is live I will share the password with potential clients IF they are looking for a Lead UX who specializes in ecommerce.

2016-09-22 18:20
@gregor “I was hoping to ask louise about ideas for promoting a portfolio better (than I am now).”

2016-09-22 18:21
@brockawesome Hey Brock. I’ve banned @lou from looking at any portfolios in this session due to time constraints :wink: Post it up here for future review:

2016-09-22 18:22
@lou: what are your thoughts on including work which is not strictly UX, but which demonstrates related skills in your portfolio? (e.g. I did design and prototyping as an engineer)

2016-09-22 18:23
@brockawesome you can check and the’re several other resources/tutorials online where you can learn HTML&CSS

2016-09-22 18:23
@gregor I would make as many friends in the industry as humanly possible with out becoming a stalker :slightly_smiling_face: People generally hire YOU and your great personality — over your portfolio. You can have an AMAZING portfolio, but if you are difficult to work or have poor social skills…. they are not going to hire you. The best jobs I’ve ever had have been through referral and my portfolio was a secondary concern.

2016-09-22 18:23
has joined #ask-louise-campbell

2016-09-22 18:23
I am currently a digital designer, meaning I do mostly web design but in the past year at my job I have been working a bit in UX and Front end dev. I realized that I want to focus more on UX but don’t want to step backwards in my career. How can I go about marketing myself as a UX person when 90% of my work is Design and on many of those projects I didn’t do Ux on?

2016-09-22 18:23
@anne-dougherty “A general portfolio structure question: Is it better to show deliverables (e.g. designs, content inventories, etc) or process (e.g. here is what I/we did to get to where we ended up)?”

2016-09-22 18:24
@lou Thank you!

2016-09-22 18:25
I have just jumped into UX in the last year and have been going back through my older branding and illustration work to document my process. i’m not a front end programmer by any means and have been using Behance to showcase my work, but It doesn’t quite shine. Are there any tips you can give on where to start to learn HTML/CSS as it pertains to creating a portfolio? I plan on designing it from the ground up but I’m lost when it comes to coding my designs after they are finished.

2016-09-22 18:25
I’ve heard there are portfolio-designed websites where users can drag and drop content. I’ve also heard of numerous disadvantages to such websites (i.e. difficult to customize). Thoughts?

2016-09-22 18:26
@anne-dougherty Always show your deliverables — as part of your design process. You might like to use a method I use called the STAR method…. S=start what you did at start of a project. T=tasks, what were they how were they defined. A= Audience who are they. R=Results what were they… if you can use that as your framework during an interview combined with your deliverables you will have nailed it!

2016-09-22 18:26
@brockawesome Udemy has a couple of good, free HTML courses. Also check out CodeAcademy if you’re a learn-by-doing kind of person.

2016-09-22 18:26
@lou Thank you!

2016-09-22 18:27
@anne-dougherty welcome!

2016-09-22 18:27
@ux_dude Question: For someone switching from a related career (me: front-end developer). How many UX projects should you have in your portfolio? How much of the UX process should you show?

2016-09-22 18:28
@crystal pinned a message to this channel.

2016-09-22 18:29
@brockawesome I always encourage people to learn coding, but at the same time wouldn’t want the time it takes to learn it to slow you down from getting your portfolio out there. Since so much of UX involves collaboration, why not hook up/coordinate with someone who can code your site design for you…. maybe work out some kind of bartering where you can help them out in return?

2016-09-22 18:30
@lou: yes we have some candidates that have work under NDAs but you can create a fake project that showcases your process and skill. I think that’s something a lot of people asks. You don’t need real projects to put on your portfolio if you don’t have the experience or you can’t show them because if NDAs. Just Taylor the portfolio for the job you want. Just my two cents :grinning:

2016-09-22 18:30
@ux_dude Answer: 3 really great ones based on what your client is focused on – so tailor your portfolio for them. If you are going in on a cold “pitch” you’ve never met them before you need to do your homework before hand and tailor your interview to their needs. Every job I ever interviewd for I’ve literally had to tailor my portfolio for. That detail really get you great clients and work in the end. It’s hard work but worth the effort!

2016-09-22 18:31
@anne-dougherty pinned a message to this channel.

2016-09-22 18:31
@jeanna Question: any advice for how to present a portfolio when someone asks to see your “thought process” and not just artifacts?

2016-09-22 18:33
@lou Going off of what you said about the STAR approach. What types of results would you show on your portfolio if you were doing a personal side project?

2016-09-22 18:33
@lou @ux_dude what if you don’t have so many projects, just 1 or 2… seems difficult to “tailor” your portfolio when you’re starting

2016-09-22 18:34
@jeanna answer: yes take photos of everything you worked on on the project and host them on a web page – even take the sketches with you, take videos of any interaction design and host them within the web page in a case study/webpage. Include the STAR framework above! Good luck I can’t wait to hear how you get on!

2016-09-22 18:35
@lou what to do if you only have done personal UX work and don’t have any client work? Does it matter?

2016-09-22 18:36
@sonia2016 does your previous employer have a website? If so go back to them and ask if you could job shadow the development team. You need to focus on “warm” leads peoepl you know or friends on colleagues. I want you to get on LinkedIn and create a great profile! Follow your fav. design companies, find out who works there, intro yourself, be interested and you will get there :slightly_smiling_face:

2016-09-22 18:37
@lou thanks for the recommendations – I’ve included photos and schematics as well as wireframes but have had several people ask to see my notebooks to see how I arrived at design…

2016-09-22 18:38
@israel maybe it’s just semantics I’m taking issue with, but ALL projects are “real projects” if you’re putting in the work on them, whether they’re personal (what I assume you mean by “fake”) or for a client. Just my two cents! :sunglasses:

2016-09-22 18:38
BTW Everyone who makes it to the end of this AMA gets a link to my first design contract proposal that got me my first design contract worth $12K. As a gift to say thank you for being patient!

2016-09-22 18:38
@lou I am currently not work and my previous employer was a temp agency. I have worked in hospitals for the most part as a social worker. I am going to try and ad more projects to my portfolio and try to do a case study.

2016-09-22 18:39
@nwhysel Question….Does that mean different portfolio for different prospective employer?

2016-09-22 18:40 You’re in. :slightly_smiling_face: It’s a text chat session. If you have a question, ask away. You can read back through the transcript at your leisure
2016-09-22 18:41
Ah, got it, thanks!

2016-09-22 18:42
@lou can we have access to your portfolio ? for inspiration and reference ?

2016-09-22 18:42
has joined #ask-louise-campbell

2016-09-22 18:42
@lou would learning front end development and graphic design increase the chances of getting a junior UX design role for someone coming from a different career? (Psychotherapy)

2016-09-22 18:42
@nwhysel answer: 1. find out what problem you will be solving for your employer…2. create three case studies in your portfolio that address that need (you might be focused on ecommerce, publishing or finance) 3. when you get to the interview you want to be super specific about how the results you got in a previous – and similar job – will help you get results for them too. Does that help?

2016-09-22 18:43
@gregor: yes I agree all projects are real projects since you are taking the time to do it. What I meant is if you haven’t work for a lot of clients and don’t have a variety of projects to show you can create your own. So maybe you do an e-commerce project or an app project and show how do you apply your knowledge in those areas.
2016-09-22 18:43
I’d like to know how best to include previous relevant experience (in my case graphic design) in your portfolio?

2016-09-22 18:43
@tyler question: would you have better chances of getting work if your a specialist? or a generalist?

2016-09-22 18:44
@lou: yes. I guess also knowing when to drop pieces that no longer address current problems.

2016-09-22 18:45
@wendy we are in the same boat, I come from a social work background. It is a hard transition. Some times I question myself about transitioning because I dont want to fail.
2016-09-22 18:45
@lou Also – how do you deal with a project that never got finished? I.e. I worked on a project pro bono just to get something in my portfolio. The client decided they didn’t have the money to get a custom design built, so went with (another) (cr*??^) template instead. What’s the best way of including that in your portfolio, in the absence of actual results??

2016-09-22 18:46
@wendy I would learn front-end and graphic design on top of all the UX stuff you are learning, but it’s not a guarantee. I’m a front-end developer with over 10 years experience and I’m having a tough time landing a UX job right now.

2016-09-22 18:46
@sonia2016 don’t be afraid to fail :slightly_smiling_face:

2016-09-22 18:46
@tyler answer: If you specialise in you’ll always be in demand, it also makes it easier to sell your services. :slightly_smiling_face:

2016-09-22 18:47
@brennan question: can we se your portfolio and case studies? Do you have a link?

2016-09-22 18:47
@sonia2016 yes it is a difficult transition looking at job descriptions wanting a unicorn

2016-09-22 18:48
@uxdude yes I meant front end development and graphic design on top of the HCD UX process

2016-09-22 18:48
@wendy @sonia2016 I saw this in a job description today: – Ability to solve all sorts of design challenges with creativity, efficiency and precision; *a full stack designer (interaction, usability, graphic design, HTML5, CSS3 and front-end development).*

RELATED:  UX Careers Panel: Courses, Portfolios, Interviews & More...

Full stack designer = :unicorn_face:

2016-09-22 18:49
@brennan answer: I’m running a free webinar later this evening and I’ll be running through the case study if anyone is interested in the frameowrk I use and how I use it to persuade clients to hire me. Let me know if you want to attned?

2016-09-22 18:49
@sonia2016 @wendy …you may want to do UX Design in particular, but UX Research is also a great path (and specialization) that wouldn’t require coding or graphic design skills. It’s more about psychology, sociology, and interviewing users and working closely with designers –might be a great way to reframe social work too

2016-09-22 18:49
What type of formula do you use to equate portfolio value = contract price? Meaning, how do you negotiate your contract based on what a potential client sees in your portfolio?
2016-09-22 18:49
@lou – I’d like to attend the webinar please!

2016-09-22 18:49
@anne-dougherty I have all those requirements! :disappointed:

2016-09-22 18:50
@lou how does having graphic design skills tie into a UX design position?

2016-09-22 18:50
@lou – I would love an invite to the seminar but hopefully not to late since I am in Boulder CO.

2016-09-22 18:51
@tyler to design flashy wireframes maybe? A lot of companies confuse UI and UX.
2016-09-22 18:51
@tyler – creating wireframes based on the user research!

2016-09-22 18:51
How do we sign up to attend your web inarticulate today?

2016-09-22 18:51 isn’t that more of a UI job then?

2016-09-22 18:51
@pesenson yes, I have looked into it. My impression so far is that the job descriptions/ requirements even for a research assistant are a bit much (years of qualitative and quantitative research experience in tech industry)

2016-09-22 18:52
@wendy I would just add to what’s been said that “learning” front-end and graphic design should be interpreted as at least having a good understanding of these so that you can work with others who do these. UX is about collaboration, and I don’t think you need to master these other areas to become successful in your own area of UX.

2016-09-22 18:52
@lou — I’d like to attend your webinar.

2016-09-22 18:52
@pesenson I will look more into UX Research to get my foot in the door some where. My only thing is I dont want to be put in a box. Once I have enough experience , I want to focus on the other part of UX

2016-09-22 18:52
We have 5 mins left and more than 5 mins of q’s queued, so I’m going to put a lid on them now.
If you have further questions, please post them here

2016-09-22 18:52
@lynne answer: prototyping is a HOT UX topic. Those skill you have developed and UCD thinking are very valuable to potential employees, as long as you can prove the results you got – in an interview situation and use the STAR method for example, you could persuade a team to hire you. Get creative :slightly_smiling_face:
2016-09-22 18:52
@tyler – no, creating the wireframes is putting together the structure of the website (which page leads to which page, user flow, etc) UI is just the pretty colours and graphics on top (=skin )

2016-09-22 18:53
@hawk thought the seminar was in this channel tonight, misunderstood

2016-09-22 18:54
Also respectfully ask that you hold off on the side convos for the last 5 mins so Lou can talk

2016-09-22 18:54
@brockawesome I host my work on WP. You don’t need a fancy site. Create case studies and share them on your site, document everything share it with your network. I hope that helps!

2016-09-22 18:54
Thanks for sharing your time and experience today @lou

2016-09-22 18:55
@desertcoder question: I’ve heard there are portfolio-designed websites where users can drag and drop content. I’ve also heard of numerous disadvantages to such websites (i.e. difficult to customize). Thoughts?

2016-09-22 18:55
@lou Thanks for providing tangible solutions to questions today.

2016-09-22 18:58
@desertcoder answer: so I use leadpages for certain content pages on my site because it’s very simple to use (drag and drop) And WP “pages” to build my case studies. You can mix the two. Your case study should be a simple narrative, and your live work the fancy stuff that you can show in conjunction with your thoughts process, sketches, and the STAR method. I hope that helps you?

2016-09-22 18:58
@rvaelle thanks!

2016-09-22 18:59
@lou Also, thanks for reposting the questions you were about to answer. It made it much easier to follow along
2016-09-22 19:00
@lou thanks for sharing your expertise with us tonight, much appreciated!

2016-09-22 19:00
If you haven’t been to one of these sessions before, I leave the channel open so you can read back through, and I also post the transcript up on

2016-09-22 19:00
Also, don’t forget that you can continue the discussion at

2016-09-22 19:00 lovely to see you here! Thanks for being here :slightly_smiling_face:

2016-09-22 19:01
But wait! Lou has an amazing offer for you all…

2016-09-22 19:02
@gregor pinned a message to this channel.

2016-09-22 19:02
Thanks, @lou!

2016-09-22 19:02
Thank you, @lou

2016-09-22 19:03
Thanks for being so patient! I’ve got the exact and confidential pitch and $12,500 contract outline that got me my 1st $12K client… here goes…

2016-09-22 19:03
@lou Thank you for this, and for your great advice!

2016-09-22 19:03
@lou Thankyou

2016-09-22 19:04
It’s also includes a step by step guide on How to Get Your first Design Client – happy pitching everyone :slightly_smiling_face:

2016-09-22 19:05
nice one @gregor @sonia2016 @kailualisa @crystal

2016-09-22 19:06
Thanks all for joining us today. It’s been a crazy busy session :slightly_smiling_face:

2016-09-22 19:06
But mostly, thanks so much @lou for your time. You’re a star.

2016-09-22 19:06
Thank you for hosting @hawk !

2016-09-22 19:06
Thanks @lou and @hawk for organising.

2016-09-22 19:07

2016-09-22 19:07
@hawk thanks for being amazing :slightly_smiling_face:

2016-09-22 19:07
@hawk do you have any additional info on the seminar mentioned?

2016-09-22 19:08
@brennan You’ll have to get that from Lou. It’s not a UXMastery session :slightly_smiling_face:

2016-09-22 19:08
Great, thanks @hawk

2016-09-22 19:08
@hawk am I ok to link to the free webinar here?

2016-09-22 19:09
yup, no probs

2016-09-22 19:09
Persuasive Portfolio Free Webinar happening LIVE here at 8.30pm London time

2016-09-22 19:10
Awesome, thanks again @lou

2016-09-22 19:10
(that’s in 20 mins)

2016-09-22 19:10
@brennan no worries I hope you can make it.

2016-09-22 19:11
@hawk thank you! :slightly_smiling_face:

2016-09-22 19:12
@lou is it open or do we need to sign in?

2016-09-22 19:14
@claraearendil you need to sign into facebook and then like the page as far as know when I’ll show up in video in the news feed.

2016-09-22 19:15
@claraearendil See you there! you can also try this if you don’t use facebook. (I’ll be there at 8.30pm) in 15 minutes. See you there!

2016-09-22 19:17
has joined #ask-louise-campbell

2016-09-22 19:36

2016-09-22 20:34
has joined #ask-louise-campbell

2016-09-22 20:53
has joined #ask-louise-campbell

2016-09-23 00:05
has joined #ask-louise-campbell

Written by
Sarah Hawk
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Instagram has returned empty data. Please authorize your Instagram account in the plugin settings .