Got UX Questions? Say Hello At SitePoint’s “Talk with the Experts” Web Chat

Got UX Questions? Say Hello At SitePoint’s “Talk with the Experts” Web Chat


Jodie Moule from Symplicit and UX Mastery’s own Luke Chambers will be answering all your UX questions for this month’s “Talk with the Experts” web chat hosted by SitePoint. 7am-8am Thurs 13 Sept, Melbourne time. Please come along with all those UX queries you’ve never had a chance to ask!

For the past year, Sarah ‘Hawk’ Taylor from the illustrious SitePoint has been running a series of monthly live chat workshops called Talk with the Experts. Each month covers a specific topic with questions answered by authors, speakers and other experts in the industry.

This month’s topic is UX and, along with Jodie Moule from Symplicit, I’ll be helping answer a mountain of your questions!

When: 7am-8am Thurs 13 Sept Melbourne time (or lookup your local time)

The session is text based in a chatroom and runs for 1 hour.

Please come along and ask your UX questions! See you there!

UPDATE: Thanks everyone for your questions! We covered a lot of meaty topics and heard some great practical advice. We were also lucky enough to have Matt join in the fun too. Big thanks to Sarah Taylor for hosting the chat. There’ll be a transcript available soon.

RELATED:  A Time-poor, Small-budget Approach to UX

ANOTHER UPDATE: The transcript is up! For those who missed this morning’s session, you can read it all on

Written by
Luke Chambers
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