Community Sketching Challenge

Community Sketching Challenge

A person sketches on paper.

Join Hawk and the amazing UX Mastery community as they embark on a fun 100 day sketching challenge.


Our community have decided to embark on a 100 Day Sketching Challenge and we’d love you to join us.

Rather than reinventing the wheel we’re going to follow Krisztina Szerovay’s awesome 100 days of Visual Library Building structure. The idea is that we develop (or hone) our sketching skills, build a fantastic UX visual library that we can utilise in our future work, and have some fun. Krisztina lists a whole lot more benefits in her Medium article.

How it works

Starting this Monday 3 September I will post 3 objects or concepts related to UX each day into this planning topic on our community forums. You can follow along at a pace that suits you. That may mean sketching each day or it may mean catching up on the weekend. There are no rules. We encourage you to share your work in the topic if you’re comfortable doing so. We can all encourage each other.

RELATED:  Community Roundup #3

Sketching Resources

Here are a few resources to get you started. If you’re new to sketching for UX I’d strongly recommend watching this excellent prep video from Dave Gray: Visual Thinking Basics

Krisztina has also created some amazing sketching resources. She publishes a free UX Knowledge Base Sketch each week at and has an excellent course on Udemy called Sketching for UX Designers. She has kindly created a $9.99 coupon code especially for the UX Mastery community. You can take advantage of that here.

Written by
Sarah Hawk
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