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3 Signs Your Team Isn’t Doing Enough User Research

Picture it: We’re in a room with our colleagues, attempting to determine the relative importance of features for a product (because we can’t do everything) but it quickly turns into what I call a feature debate …

Ever been in a meeting like that?

It’s the kind of discussion where people try to justify the features they want. Sometimes it’s based on their opinion, sometimes on what they’ve heard through their own “research” (eg. asking friends and family or people in coffee shops), and sometimes it’s even based on a business goal.

Feature debates rarely end well—we feel like we ‘lose’ when a feature we want isn’t included in the team plan. We get upset, politics become aggravated, and it leads to conflict within our team. Not to mention that feature debates can be quite expensive to the business; after the meeting they often trigger a lot of back-and-forth communication that becomes a huge distraction from what we should be focussed on.

So, given such clear drawbacks, why do feature debates still happen?

I think they’re a clear  sign we’re not doing enough research. If our team has done the groundwork, we can easily integrate these research findings into the feature debates. For example, we could counter an opinion by saying something like “Well, in the research we found that people had problems with _____ therefore we really should prioritize feature ____.”

Sure, it’s easy to argue research. But good research should back up every insight with evidence; the stronger the evidence, the harder it is for people to dispute the findings.

Here are three more signs that our teams may not be doing enough research:

Research isn’t optional. Research is an investment, and we must start treating it as such. Yes, it will cost us a bit of time and money, but the return is worthwhile because armed with research we increase our chances of building the right thing. Without research, we may end up building the wrong thing, requiring us to go back and do a lot of re-work—not just on our product, but also in educating our customers and potential customers about what our product was intended for.

My advice about doing research is simple: start small, but just start. Don’t let yourself or your team argue subjectively in another feature debate. Don’t launch another feature that’s more complicated than it needs to be. And don’t confuse your users with with a poor first experience that doesn’t solve an immediate problem for them.