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Sketchnotes from Product Bash 2012

The lovely crew from Brainmates, a Sydney-based product management consulting and training company, recently invited me to sketchnote their Product Bash 2012 event. The evening was titled Is There a Place for Entrepreneurship in Product Management?.

On the panel were three Australian entrepreneurs:

The panel was facilitated by Nick Coster from brainmates. I took two sketches, although may have cheated a little by reusing part of one in the second sketch (hey, it was only a one hour panel, so shoot me!). Here they are:

The event was targeted at product managers, but as the conversation unfolded it struck me just how much overlap there clearly is between product management, entrepreneurship, and UX Design. In fact, the very concept of getting to know your users, interviewing them, and including them in the process of product creation is as old as the hills, despite it being assigned different labels over the years.

A big thanks to the brainmates crew for the opportunity to be involved! (Check out the brainmates Facebook page for more photos from the event).