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“I use my strengths and weaknesses to add value to my team : Ask Me Anything.”

Ask me Anything session on UX portfolios

In today’s diverse landscape of work places and situations, finding a team that is a good cultural fit is as important as finding a job.

Being able to define achievable team goals that work for every member is key to moving forward in a cohesive, productive, and fulfilling way – it’s how we make meaningful work.

Understanding your personal strengths and weaknesses and learning how to harness those in a way that adds value to your team can go a long way towards making you all happier and more efficient.

Natalie Eustace embarked on a personal journey of discovery to overcome challenges and bring her best to the dispersed team with which she works.

The Details

Meet Natalie Eustace

Natalie is a UX Designer with Wynyard Group – a market leader in serious crime fighting software used by governments and financial institutions.

Starting in the role as a graduate and working her way up, Natalie works in a geographically widespread team who have to work hard to find ways to work cohesively together, with ideation and communication proving to be ongoing challenges.

How to Ask Your Questions

If you can’t make the live session but have questions, we’d love to collect them ahead of time and we’ll ask Natalie on your behalf. You can submit your questions here. We’ll publish the responses (along with the full transcript) in the days following the session.

How does Ask Me Anything work?

These sessions run for approximately an hour and best of all, they don’t cost a cent. We run them in our dedicated public Slack channel. That means that there is no audio or video, but a full transcript will be posted up on here in the days following the session.