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Annual Readers Survey Now Open

The start of a new year is a good opportunity to check with you about how we’re doing, and hear what you’d like more of in the future. Matt, Hawk and I are all very keen to get your honest feedback.

If you have a couple of minutes to spare, we’d love your help with a short 5-minute survey we’ve put together.

Your opinions are valuable and will help shape what the year ahead looks like for UX Mastery.

“If I ran UX Mastery I would definitely…”

Answers to this final survey question are in the running for a fantastic prize pack:

That’s over $450 worth of advice, learning and UX tools!

The winner will have completed every survey question, and have the most impressive answer to the final question as judged by Luke, Matt & Hawk. We may even have some runner-up prizes too…

The survey will close at 11:59pm Sunday January 31st (AEDT).

We’ll share with you all a summary of any interesting patterns and statistics (anonymised of course) when the survey is finished, so keep your eyes peeled for that too.

Thanks for your input!