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UX Templates

Ever feel like you’re reinventing the wheel on each project that you tackle?

Consider using one of the templates below. Whether it’s a framework upon which to prototype your mobile app, a script to use as the basis for your user testing sessions, or a printout of some simple panels to make your scribbled storyboard quicker to produce, you’re bound to find something in this list of UX templates.

Note that while it can be helpful to leverage the work of others, these UX templates are tools to help you structure your thinking, not a substitute for research, testing, or creativity. Also, please refer to the individual usage policy for each template.

There are probably tons of UX templates that we’ve missed—if you’re aware of a template that you think we should include here, let us know!

High-fidelity Templates

Low-fidelity Templates

Sketch Templates

Usability Testing
