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Review: Create Interactive HTML Prototypes with Livetyping

Livetyping course on building interactive HTML prototypes

This is a review of the online course, Livetyping, by Martin Polley. The author was provided with a review copy of the course.

This is the third in our series of reviews of online UX courses; browse our full list of online UX courses for more reviews and recommendations.

Course Information


One topic that regularly pops up in conversation—and always causes a bit of a stir—is the notion that designers should be able to code.

While I don’t believe that UX Designers need to know how to write complex code, I do believe it’s important to have an understanding of the technical constraints that are unique to the web. The best way to understand these constraints is to have experienced them first hand—by writing some code.

CSS layout is one of the fundamental topics covered at the start.

Now, I’m not suggesting UXers need to keep on top of all of the latest cross-browser quirks or advanced techniques. However, every now and then I do wish that my front-end skills were better, so I could prototype an idea in the browser—static wireframes just don’t cut it, and neither do many tools that implement basic linking between pages, but lack the ability to simulate more advanced interactions.

Suffice to say that HTML prototyping is a useful skill to have for any UX Designer.

Enter Livetyping.

Let’s Get Technical

Martin Polley’s LiveTyping course is designed to give you a comprehensive walkthrough of how to create HTML prototypes. It focusses on using CSS and JavaScript (specifically, jQuery) to implement some common user interface patterns.

While it purports to only teach enough for these patterns to be implemented in one browser (Firefox is recommended), this is actually a very in-depth course, technically speaking. It may begin with an introduction to common HTML elements, but it quickly accelerates into a fully-fledged programming course. This is great for someone like myself, who used to write HTML/CSS once upon a time and is a bit rusty. However, I imagine this degree of getting one’s hands dirty might be a bit daunting for someone learning this stuff for the first time.

What Patterns?

The course steers a wide berth, covering topics from all over the HTML, CSS and jQuery spectrum. A crash course in basic HTML, CSS typography, CSS layout is followed by writing real code to implement specific patterns drawn from examples such as the soon-to-be-defunct Google Reader, Flickr, and Basecamp.

The JSbin online editor makes previewing changes instantaneous

Taking this course feels like you’re looking over the shoulder of an experienced developer as he builds, from scratch, a few examples, then pulls them together into a reasonably full-featured web application using modern techniques and best practices. The course covers a range of useful patterns, including inline editing, tabs, an expanding search box, slide-down notifications, and more.

What Structure?

While the topics covered are all useful, the structure in which they are presented frustrated me a little. The lessons are large Quicktime files (most are about an hour long). This means that going back to find specific information is difficult—especially as there is no written material or “cheat sheet” to accompany the videos. As a result, the course material is not terribly useful as a reference after you’ve completed it. The instructor contacted me to point out that there are chapter markers that allow you to jump around within Quicktime. I’d not see this feature before. Thanks, Martin!

Which is a shame, because there’s a huge amount of information packed into this course. If I wanted to refer back to the course to implement a specific pattern in the future, it would make sense to me to have this information easily findable—for instance, by breaking the video files up into smaller chunks that were named by the pattern that is covered in that file, rather than simply Lesson 1, Lesson 2, or Lesson 3.”

Using Firebug to inspect the padding and margins on HTML elements

While there is a lot of useful information and depth to this course, working through it I couldn’t help but think: “This stuff is hard. I really just want to copy and paste this, rather than understand it …”




There’s no question that the Livetyping course is full of valuable content—personally speaking, the ability to prototype design layouts, transitions and other interactions in the browser would be an enormously useful tool for me to add to my arsenal (I intend to work through the course a second time).

However, this course isn’t for everyone. If you’ve never written any HTML, CSS or JavaScript before, you’ll probably feel completely lost after a few minutes (you’re better off arming yourself with a beginner HTML course, at the very least). That said, if your front-end skills are a bit rusty, this is a great refresher, and will equip you with some powerful skills for being able to quickly prototype your ideas in the browser.

Enrol in Livetyping.

The Livetyping course is available as a digital download from the author, Martin Polley.

Note: This post contains affiliate links, so if you do decide to enrol in the course, we’ll receive a percentage of the sale, to help pay the hosting bills.