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Sponsor UX Mastery

Reach our community of hundreds of thousands of aspiring user experience designers with a sponsorship that gives you generous exposure.

Your brand, message, and logo can be featured in our weekly email, a featured listing on our popular resource pages can send qualified traffic to your site, or we can share your link with our fans on Twitter and Facebook.

Connect with our active community

Sponsoring UX Mastery connects you with a passionate and active community with a strong reputation for expertise and member support since 2012, including scores of designers, developers, business analysts, product managers, and more. Our readers cover a full spectrum of business owners and freelancers, agency employees and in-house teams. They care about practical design matters, development of their careers, and products that will help them learn and work better.

It’s a win for everyone

We’re flexible and treat every partnership as a win-win-win for you, the community and UX Mastery.  Join brands like Optimal Workshop, Rosenfeld Media, Interaction Design Foundation, CareerFoundry, UXPin, and Balsamiq in partnering with UX Mastery.

Enquire about your sponsorship now

Sponsorship sales are first-come, first-served. For more information and to discuss rates and available dates please contact us:

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